Darling movie tamil download
Darling movie tamil download

Hearing the news about their love, the watchman is assured he will get some of his employer's property. Seth threatens to torture the watchman when Raja and Radha arrive. Radha starts to hate Suman and reunites with Raja, proposing to him too. Suman sees Radha and Raja's childhood photos and accuses her of infidelity. He treats Radha, who falls sick due to the rain, at home. Contrary to Suman, Raja never sees Radha in an indecent manner and even gives his coat to cover her. Radha gets injured and her dress is stuck to the bicycle wheel. En route, Raja and Radha fall from the bicycle. Raja is hesitant but gives in, taking her on a bicycle. Radha demands Raja to accompany her home. Raja is still trying to repair it in the rain. Radha is disgusted and returns to the car. Suman drinks and when Radha changes in the toilet, Suman behaves indecently. Suman is impatient and temporarily stays at a nearby guesthouse. On the way back from a wedding ceremony, the car halts and Raja repairs it under heavy rain. The next day, Radha gives Raja's sister money to help her but she refuses, harshly citing her insensitivity and Radha is hurt. Raja disguises himself in a superhero costume and crushes Suman's accomplices. When Raja tells this to her sister, she gives him an idea to take revenge in a way Radha does not uncover it is him. Despite this, Raja later helps Suman who collapses due to excessive alcohol consumption. In the night, Suman and his friends drink and Suman forces Raja to drink against his wishes. The Seth takes away all the new furniture from Raja's house and warns the watchman to repay the remaining money. Raja is reluctant to retaliate for the sake of Radha. At home, Suman ill-treats Raja due to his servant status and abuses him using his accomplices. Raja gives the money to a poor woman and her children, touching Radha's heart in the process. Radha gives Raja money to buy his sister a dress. Raja drives Suman and Radha to a restaurant. The watchman, who learns Radha is to be married to Suman and he won't be able to get the rich man's property, is blackmailed by the Seth to repay his loan. He even starts to address her respectfully, true to his servant status in the house. Raja watches Suman and confesses to Radha he feels Suman is a more appropriate groom for her. The next day, Suman and his accomplices arrive and stay in Radha's house. Radha is startled and tells Raja her groom-to-be (Suman) is arriving the next day. When Radha meets Raja's father about this, Raja lets slip the truth: Raja loves Radha and intends to marry her. On hearing this, Radha decides to unite Raja and his true love (oblivious to the truth). Raja writes a heartfelt response about his loyalty to his one and only true love. Another day, the girls prank on Raja by giving him a fake love letter. He defeats all the karate trainees and impresses both the trainer and the girls. Raja steps in to help the girls, for the sake of Radha, and challenges to a fight. The childish girls make noise and irritate the karate trainees to the point where they threaten them to run 8 miles. Raja drives the girls to a park where a karate trainer is coaching his juniors. His father, the watchman, borrowed loan from a Seth in the excitement about marrying his son to his employer's daughter. When Raja returns home, he sees new furniture delivered to his house. Radha acts curious but then she cuts Raja's portions from the photos and keeps only hers. The next day, Raja visits Radha and gives her their childhood photos to refresh her memory. The watchman overhears this and is content. Later at home, Raja's sick sister asks him about his love. Radha has no memory of the dog and when Raja explains about their childhood promise, Radha advises him to stop the stupid act. Raja introduces Radha to her dog's cemetery and gives her flowers to pay respects. Raja drives Radha and her friends to the cemetery. The watchman assigns Raja to accompany them during their visit. Radha and her friends ask the watchman for a tour guide in Ooty. She forgot about their friendship when they were children. But when she arrives and Raja introduces himself as the watchman's son, Radha asks him to carry their baggage. Raja appears at the train station 2 hours earlier and waits for her arrival. One day, Radha returns from US with 4 friends. He still thinks about Radha, seeing their childhood photos all day. 10 years have passed and Raja is unemployed. Before leaving, Raja promises to Radha he will pay respects to her dead pet dog at the cemetery every day until she returns. But then, the rich man sends Radha to the US. As a child, Raja and the rich man's daughter Radha (Poornima Bhagyaraj) are best friends at school. Raja (K.Bhagyaraj) is the son of a watchman in the house of a rich businessman.

Darling movie tamil download